Free Calculators

Loan Repayment Calculator
To calculate your loan repayments, interest rate, and loan term, with the goal to pay off your loan.

Stamp Duty Calculator
Find out how much Stamp Duty you will pay when purchasing a property, including government charges.

Extra Repayment Calculator
Want to pay your loan off faster? Use this calculator to work out the interest cost and time you can save when making additional repayments.

Interest Only Mortgage Calculator
To calculate the interest charge only on your loan. Please note, banks will calculator interest daily, so your monthly cost may fluctuate depending on the number of days in the month.

Lump Sum Repayment Calculator
Have you come into some extra cash? Use this calculator to work out the interest and time you can save where making lump sum payments to your loan.

Home Loan Offset Calculator
Calculate the estimated saving effect of using an offset account combined with your home loan.

Comparison Rate Calculator
Understand how your interest rate compares when accommodating the fees and charges related to your loan.

Income Annualisation Calculator
Calculate the annual amount of money that is estimated to be paid to you based on your current earning to date.